Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Social bookmarking & tag cloud sites we talked about today

Here's a list of the sites we talked about today, in case you didn't write them down:

- Del.icio.us
- Furl
- Stumble Upon
- Many Eyes
- Newzingo


Megan said...

hey Corinne,

I've tried to comment on 2 blogs (I think Ashley's and Cassandra's) but they have their settings set to where only "team members" could comment, so I couldn't post my comment. Could you email them to change that? Thank you!

manoj said...

A question I’m asked with increasing frequency at various meetings, conferences and gatherings is, “Where exactly should social media fall in the organizational structure?” It’s not an easy question to answer as different organizations have different strengths, weaknesses and established silos of discipline.

Social Bookmarking

corinnew said...

@ manoj - since social media is about building relationships/communities and initiating/monitoring conversations, I think that it naturally falls under the public relations function. But I'm a little biased of course :-)